Monday, September 6, 2010

Americas Global War on Terrorism

I got into an interesting conversation with my brother Sunday. We were discussing Americas involvement in the wars in Afghanistan. His argument was that the sole purpose of our presence there was to control the oil in the area. I tried to explain to him my belief that our involvement there is because of Americas commitment to Globalization and World Empire. I told him I thought that our presence was mainly to establish military, economic, political and cultural centers of power within that region. I told him I thought America was putting forth a concerted effort to isolate Iran. He strongly disagreed and continued to support the idea of oil being the main cause of conflict in the Middle East.

1 comment:

  1. I would be more inclined to say that there were a variety of reasons for our involvement in Afghanistan and Iraq. The United States used Afghanistan as a proxy for fighting the Soviets when they invaded the country. It effectively became a Vietnam for the Soviet Union due to the unpopularity of the conflict at home. The United States support of the Mujaheddin resulted in massive blow back when we failed to stabilize the country. I would say that contributed greatly to our current situation in Afghanistan. As to Iraq, I think one would have to get into the minds of the Bush Administration to figure that out.
