Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Ch 10- Really changed my ideas and views of globalization!

Globalization is sooo much more in-depth and complicated than I have ever thought- it is a part of every aspect of our lives to an extent. I have thought of globalization as a vehicle for new and better ways of doing things, new ideas and better opportunities for all- like a broadening of awareness – an education on all that is new and improved. I never thought about how globalization can and does in many ways- widen the gap between social classes.

I feel really bad because I have been thinking like the usual American in that – our ways are the best and most advanced and anyone who adopts our standards will have an advantage. What globalization does is – it magnifies the different classes of people which in turn will only increase the problem of those less fortunate classes. – it intensifies inequality-

It is kind of like globalization buts everyone into one single group and globalization is directly in the front of the group, those able to reach the benefits of globalization can profit but what about all those poor people in the back of the group- they will never be able to gain anything because globalization is so far from them- and only due to the fact of where they are located- it’s not their fault.

Globalization has:
• not given everyone an equal chance to use global space
• not redistributed the wealth to those who need it most
• not benefited the already underprivileged
• helped to start social movements that are aimed at equality and justice for all

“The adoption of different approaches to globalization could yield more just outcomes.” p. 320 (Scholte)

- I really like this idea because we often forget that other peoples ways and methods are just as effective as our own- this way we will learn more about each other- that’s what globalization is all about- sharing and learning :)

In the 1990’s wage differences among different countries widened- meaning the rich got richer and the poor got poorer. One example our book gives- p. 322 is in Brazil (1990’s) when the riches fifth earned 26 times more than the poorest fifth of the country- that’s very sad to me.
Because governments are always on the top – the ones getting richer- they don’t do as much as they could to fix the social gaps. World resources are available to all – gaining access to them is another story as is government distribution- how will the different governments distribute what they have gained- will they use it to benefit themselves or to help those who need it the most? Ex: public services (my favorite- public education) If our public education stinks- like ours does in a lot of cases- a private education is available, but only to the rich. That is a perfect example of inequality based on class.

Even redistribution processes such as socialism really do no good- spreading the accumulation just does not happen as is intended- to do away with class division. It has though in some ways or in some areas of the world that have used this method, kept class divisions from getting bigger- still those in the bottom rung are at a huge disadvantage.

Gender inequality in the work place always seemed to me to be equal- or at least more equal in most ways but I now understand how wrong I am in believing this! More jobs may be available to women- but a lot if not most are those that do not require much skill – our book referred to it as sweatshop work. Even though more jobs have become available due to more trade and better manufacturing of goods, many times those workers are underpaid and have no choice but to do the exhausting work- they have no voice even if they were to speak out – its either work or your family might not eat.

- one thing I thought of was the working woman’s domestic duties as well- it seems like in all cultures, no matter if you get a job or begin school- you still have to take care of the home and children- just a thought :)
So along the lines of gender- globalization has helped women’s opportunities but hurt them in others.

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