Saturday, September 25, 2010

Dominion from Sea to Sea

I thought Bruce Cummings book was fantastic. It was well written and it kept me completely engrossed. His thoughts in relation to american military and economic growth and expansion was enlightening. His thoughts concerning american westward expansion and global influence across the Pacific Ocean was very unique and well conceived. Although, his theories are very sound and reasonable I tend to disagree with him.

Although, I agree that the Pacific Ocean and East Asia have a very strong impact on United States global policy, I think that american emphasis should center around solidifying our age-old connection with our European allies. Our ties to the "Old World" (Europe) are just too strong to overlook. The relationship between the United States and England is one of the strongest bonds that modern history has seen. We share common culture, society and values with our European allies. This type of bond should be strengthened and improved upon and I believe it is our duty to complete this goal.

I also feel that the United States should defend its interests in the Pacific and Asia; but, avoid expanding any farther than we have already. With the enlarging economic power of China, America should tread lightly in an area of growing Chinese strength. The United States, already has strong defensive establishments in Japan, Taiwan and South Korea. Our nation should be satisfied to defend these nations and use them as a bulwark to defend our Pacific interests and most importantly defend the west coast of the United States and protect the Panama Canal.

In conclusion, Cummings book was a fantastic read that I would recomend to anybody. Although he puts forth some sound judgements I will have to disagree with some of his theories. Particularly, when one considers the United States existing European bonds and domination of the Atlantic Ocean. Trans-atlantic trade is and always should be America's path to global success and economic stability.

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