Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Reflections on the Wilsonian Movement

Erez Manela has created an excellent writing. This has been my favorite book to date. He thoroughly has examined the impact of President Wilsons concept of self-determination, popular sovereignity, and freedom for all mankind. Although much of the upheaval and revolution that occured after World War 1 were unfortunate failures, Wilsons concept would live on to the twenty first century.

Manela described how many former colonized countries attempted liberation movements. These movements were sparked by the idea that the United States was a champion of Wilsons theories. Many believed that the United States would use its newly aquired power to guarentee the right of all nations to govern themselves and not be dominated by a foreign power.Although, the United States did not live up to that lofty goal in 1919, she would continue to be a beacon of light that countries such as India, Korea, Egypt and China would continue to reach out too.

Just a few decades after World War 1 the United States would begin to fulfill this role of protector of freedom and self-determination. The conclusion of World War 2 left the United States in a position of global power this would leave it as the most powerful nation in the world. The United States global reach would stretch from Europe, to Asia and all across the Pacific Ocean. The United States has now assumed that role of international protector. Over the last 60 years the United States has proven that it is more than willing to use force to guarentee Wilsons principle of freedom and self-determination. Examples of this can be seen in Nicaragua, El Salvador,Panama,Kuwait,Iraq and Afghanistan.

Today, the Wilsonian movement is a national goal of the United States. Wilsons theories on self-determination have been used by the United States to fuel many fights for liberation throughout the world. If feel that this is one of the things that makes our nation great. Our belief in the right to national self-determination and our freedom of religion is what makes the United States the great nation that it is and will be. Mr. Manela's book is thoroughly enlightening and is a must read for everyone.

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